Construction Management Technology

CET Overview
The construction manufacturing technology (CET) program is a mixture of civil engineering technology and construction business management. This system combines building, manufacturing and administration in a practice-oriented knowledge leading to a rewarding career where students exercise their particular abilities, knowledge and knowledge to create infrastructure across the country. At UMaine, the average construction manufacturing technology program enrolls 30 pupils. Significantly more than 98 per cent of CET majors work in manufacturing or construction through the summer time. Companies come from in the united states recruit program students.
Brand New Program Name, Same Great Program
The construction administration technology program during the University of Maine features a unique name however it is equivalent great system. Title had been changed so that the system could continue being approved underneath the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET (abet.org) Construction Engineering requirements. Becoming approved in construction manufacturing criteria allows our graduates to look for professional engineering licensure in lots of states including Maine.