Commercial infrastructure definition
Over the last fourteen days, a group of SES seniors had the opportunity to talk with people in Paris, London, Montreal, Boston and New York. I was able to join element of this trip, and also the knowledge ended up being considerably learningful.
Our goal would be to present the SES strategy, and just how we were performing it. The tour has also been an opportunity to give an explanation for marketplace characteristics, in both terms of headwinds and tailwinds, and prove the differentiated SES approach. This last point is central into the SES control attitude.
For too much time Commercial satellite operators have framed their business when it comes to new satellites they were building and deploying over regions. This allowed stakeholders to see the company through the simple lens of connectivity, also to focus on capacity demand and supply combined with connected price points.
This may have worked for a while, but this lens is ill-suited to the multiple programs, technologies and business designs being shaping present and future areas. Failing to fathom these powerful and very transformative market developments features led people discourse in our industry to zoom in on an over-simplistic description of increasing capacity build up and cost competitors.
There clearly was more to the business than this approach and explanation, and I blogged extensively about our thought process and our means of in my page on SES shareholders in April. The conversations with people within the last two weeks were a good opportunity to reinforce the understanding of the SES strategy and its execution.
Three principles have reached the center associated with the SES attitude.
Very first, it's about globalizing every little thing we invest in do. Unless we are able to scale up an idea throughout the world, and also this includes all the elements of our company, after that we're going to not go after it. Scale things given that it plays to your core power as a global system (e.g. the SES fleet addresses 99per cent of world’s population).
Our concept of scale is expansive by design. We believe in terms of services and products and solutions which can be scaled up globally. This leads us to think about end-to-end items and solutions where connectivity plays a central component from the start. But connection is not the sole concept of our worth include, but is among key components in a solution we bring to allow a fresh knowledge and/or a new marketplace.
Here's an example is our electronic media platform (SES system providers) this is certainly accelerating the advent of HD movie and creating much better experiences for people all over the world. When all is stated and done, SES allows the broadcasting of more HD video stations compared to next three competitors combined. In identical vein, our company is the initial satellite operator (and remain as of today the only one) to carry commercial UHD video on masses by working closely with broadcasters make it possible for their capabilities into this new era.
Second, it's about concentrating on the market sections we could allow and speed up, and ultimately in which we now have a right-to-win. Satellite technology offers an array of opportunities to serve our world and also humankind’s forays into area, but we should pick what we can perform well at SES.
Our strategy is for that reason centered on four market verticals: Video, Enterprise, Mobility, and Government. These are the four anchors we should scale-up globally, thus the first tenet of your reasoning. This approach includes room and surface infrastructures, systems and applications, in addition to business designs. Some of those elements are common across market verticals, plus some can be distinct. It efficiently implies that we have four differentiated playbooks in order to win in portions we're targeting. The single-lens approach of macro-level need and offer we talked about during my introduction is gone.
Third, it is about dematuring what we do today to be able to profile tomorrow. This tenet is considerably assisted by technology advancement. Conversely, this tenet has been misrepresented and underleveraged by our business.
Used productively, technology evolution creates brand-new perspectives, makes it possible for brand-new areas, and introduces future proof financial investment decisions. Utilized simplistically, technology evolution disturbs the status quo, erodes present areas, and yields financial investment dangers. The SES way of thinking and way of working have place us in the former course.
We see technology first of all as a central element to follow brand new opportunities. To show, the increasing compression standards have actually enabled the democratization of quality video clip experiences, e.g. the launch of the latest systems through linear and non-linear distributions. This development can be improving the viewing experience, e.g. the accelerating change from SD video clip to HD, and much more recently the introduction of UHD. Because we have the right capabilities, SES is reaping the incentive of compression technology evolution which is reflected inside unparalleled growth of our international station count, with HD and UHD as priorities, with our segmental profits. All those opportunities stop us from looking backwards.